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니스는 지중해의 푸른 바다와 온화한 햇살, 그리고 예술적 영감이 가득한 도시입니다. 마티스, 샤갈 등 거장들이 사랑했던 이곳에서는 느긋한 휴식과 함께 예술의 정취를 흠뻑 느낄 수 있습니다.

최근 워케이션과 블레저 트렌드에 발맞춰 니스에서는 장기 체류형 부티크 호텔이 인기를 끌고 있습니다. 아늑한 객실과 주방 시설을 갖춘 라베이유 호텔에 머물며 현지인처럼 생활하면서 진정한 힐링을 경험해 보세요.

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휴식과 예술, 미식이 조화를 이루는 니스에서 잊지 못할 추억을 만들어보세요. 지금이야말로 니스로 떠나기에 완벽한 시기입니다!

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Nice: An Ideal Getaway Where Art and Relaxation Blend Perfectly

Nice is a city filled with the blue Mediterranean Sea, mild sunshine, and artistic inspiration. Beloved by masters such as Matisse and Chagall, this place allows you to fully immerse yourself in the ambiance of art while enjoying a laid-back holiday.

Recently, long-stay boutique hotels have gained popularity in Nice, in line with the workation and bleisure travel trends. Experience true healing by staying at L'Abeille Hotel, which offers cozy rooms and kitchen facilities, allowing you to live like a local.

Nice is also gaining attention as a wellness tourism destination. The beautiful panorama of Nice viewed from Castle Hill and the simple pleasure of strolling through the narrow alleys of the old town bring peace to the mind. Why not take a moment to meditate while taking in the Mediterranean scenery in the exotic garden?

Moreover, Nice has plenty of charm as a gourmet travel destination. After visiting the Chagall and Matisse museums, savor traditional Nice cuisine at Chez Acchiardo, a long-standing family-run restaurant. Don't miss out on the chocolates and fruit desserts at Maison Auer, which were loved by Queen Victoria herself!

Create unforgettable memories in Nice, where relaxation, art, and gastronomy harmonize perfectly. Now is the perfect time to embark on your Nice getaway!

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